Friday, May 16, 2014

A Sleeping Baby=Success - Day Three

I forgot to mention that I am required to wear an official volunteer vest when I'm at Rainbow. I see all kinds of uniforms when I eat lunch- from the actual colorful nurse scrubs and coats, to the college student nurses's white coats, to the handfuls of red volunteer vests. So, along with all the other staff and employees, I feel pretty legit to have a specific uniform. In addition to the nifty vest, every staff member must have an ID and Code (codes for emergencies) card. We are not permitted to enter our division unless we have both the ID and vest. 

Today, I tended to most of the crying babies on Rainbow 6. Like yesterday, two demanded that I stood and walked with them as I also held them. My arms are so sore from yesterday, but I'm alternating between the left and right arm. Another volunteer told me that she has gotten so much muscle strength from holding so many babies the past few weeks. 

One baby, only 6 months old, would cry every time I sat down. The nurses told me that he only falls asleep when you walk around with him. And he was a big 6 month old baby, but he was so so cute! There was another baby who just wanted to be held all the time. He was also big for his age, but he loved to cuddle with all the nurses and volunteers. He and I sat and played with toys and watched Cars. 

Today was more chaotic because I went from room to room to play and rock children to sleep. It was also really busy because we only had 2 volunteers, in contrast to 5 yesterday. 


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