Monday, May 19, 2014

Beyond the Basics

Progressing into the "Beyond the Basics" segment of the "Blender 3D: Noob to Pro" tutorial handbook, today's lessons included creating mountains out of molehills (that's literally the title of the lesson) to making volcanos, to making penguins out of spheres, and creating drinking goblets from cubes. These lessons are instrumental in developing a greater depth of understanding for the capability of the program in terms of 3D mesh modeling in and of itself. All the knowledge from previous lessons build up to form a solid foundation upon which new knowledge can be developed. I find that this sort of teaching is highly effective, but only if you pay careful attention every step of the way. Much like mathematics, if your knowledge in one area is lacking, you'll find that down the road things are even harder to learn.

It's a penguin. Expect a more detailed, colored version sometime in the future.

A die. You may notice some color inconsistencies with the pips. I tried to fix it but... no dice.

Drinking goblet. For some reason I just couldn't get the lighting right. However, I haven't actually reached the lighting tutorials yet, so expect lighting to improve in the future.

There was also a volcano, like I mentioned earlier, but as I tried to render the 3D model to take a screenshot, my computer crashed and refused to open the file once I restarted it. Alas...

Ben Wu

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