Monday, May 19, 2014

Preparation for an Adventure

What are the essentials for a road & camping trip duo? Yes, there are many important things like a flashlight, lighter, knife, and sleeping bag. However, I think that we should focus on the food. Emma can tell you all about how she managed to bring the ingredients to cook meals on the camping stove, but from my point of view there is only one truly essential item. Gorp, or trail mix is the key to a happy camper. When we make gorp, it's serious business. Note: the most important things to add are dried fruits and peanut m&ms. 

You have to be possessive with your special stash
...Then again, sharing is caring

We also made sure to bring a SteriPEN water purifier (it's the mysterious red item in Emma's hand) in case we found ourselves faced with questionable water sources.

Almost ready...

On Friday morning, we finally hit the road! Our journey required quite a bit of driving, so to break up the drive, we stopped at the Tracy Ridge Camprground in Pennsyvlania to go for a jaunt and have a picnic.

After almost 5 hours of driving, we arrived at Hyner Run State Park, Pennsyvlania to join a volunteer trail maintenance crew for the weekend.

After eating a bit of lentil soup for supper, we crawled into our little cocoons to rest up before our trail work in the morning.

Good Night! (Aka: no more pictures, Sarah!)

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