Friday, May 30, 2014

The Importance Of A Child Life Specialists and Volunteers - Day Nine

One thing I have realized was that many children are left alone all day for several days of the week. Their parents either have to work, take care of their other children at home, or they simply cannot find time. I have learned to really appreciate the work that child life specialists and volunteers do for the children who are alone in their rooms all day. We supply books, games, and toys for children, and offer to be a "buddy" for a while. There's a playroom (activity center) that we open a few times a day as well. This gives the kids a chance to just be a kid and play around while they're in the hospital. There is one baby I have visited all week and his parents do come to the hospital, but they never spend time with him while they are there. He is unable to go the playroom because he is too young (only 2 months old), and they go without him. I don't quite understand that specific situation. 

Other parents do come, and stay every minute of the day with their child. I have so much respect for these parents who take off work. However, I totally understand that it is very exhausting to wait in the room and try to entertain their child, especially if their child is older. There was this one mother today and she was in the room the entire time I was with her daughter. She really appreciated me playing with her daughter for 3 hours because she was able to take a break downstairs in the atrium (cafeteria) and even take a nap. I could tell she was exhausted too. 


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